Ace Hardware: New Warehouse Sound System Improves Safety

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Ace Hardware: New Warehouse Sound System Improves Safety

Case Study / White Paper |
Ace Hardware warehouse and inventory



  • Replace a poor sound system installed in 1989 in a 500,000 square foot warehouse 
  • Ability to separately or simultaneously page office and warehouse, and ability to independently select background music for both areas 
  • Ceiling is located 30 feet above a concrete floor 
  • Walls made of cinder block and ceiling made of metal panels supported by steel girders 
  • Mezzanine area occupying about one-eighth of total area requires special placement of horns 
  • New sound system must deliver clear messages in case of accident, fire or tornado in English and Spanish to about 170 employees despite noise from a conveyor, other machines and vehicles used for moving hardware and checking inventory